Depression Common in Middle Aged People; Irrespective of All the Other Factors!
Author: Denzing Jones
With the passage of time depression is becoming more and more rampant. Depression is one disease that has always been with the human beings. Being a mental disorder its rate increased as the ways of man became more and more complex. Today human life is not all about toiling for the three basic needs. Meaning of life has transformed manifold in the modern times. With all the progress and development depression has also made a strong foothold in the human society. Depression is not always a matter of major concern. On correct diagnosis and proper treatment depression is perfectly curable. Unfortunately in a considerable number of cases depression successfully takes hold of the patient. Depression cure becomes tricky and at times difficult when the depression symptoms are overlooked for quite some time.
Depression is a disease that doesn't categorize its victims. People from almost all the age groups run the risk of having depression. It has often been claimed by medical science that almost every human being suffers depression at some point of their lives. However, now new studies have proved that all the diagnosed cases of depression are not actually clinical depression. Earlier patients of sadness were also given antidepressants. As far as antidepressants are concerned studies have proved that though they come in all the strengths, they are actually far more effective in curing acute depression cases. Though this fact has been divulged even today antidepressants are prescribed in huge numbers. sTheir huge sales actually spurred the depression drug manufacturers to venture online. Depression drugs like xanax flood both the online and the offline markets. In case you are a depression patient you can buy xanax online but only if you are prescribed this medicine. If you buy xanax you will have to make sure that you take all the xanax precautions. Precautions are important while consuming xanax and its synonyms.
Vigorous studies are being conducted on depression in order to facilitate man to know the disease better and combat it effectively. A study conducted by the researchers from the University of Warwick and Dartmouth College of the US showed that depression was far more common in the middle aged people as compared to the other age groups. This study also showed that happiness was much more common in the start and towards the end of lives of the human beings leaving space for depression to haunt in the middle ages. What is more surprising is that, these symptoms ranged over a whopping 2 million people who were included in the research belonging to 80 different countries and coming from various backgrounds. The researchers are clueless as to why this consistency exists. Depression in the middle ages was irrespective of all the external causes like marriage, divorce, deaths, and children or for that matter no children!
insomnia. Waking in the middle of night and can’t go back to sleep?
HELP – For the past two months I have been having having insomnia were I fall asleep no problem but then wake in the middle of the night (around 2:00am) and then can not get back to sleep. I have tried Sonata when I wake but it is just becoming a pattern and not helping. Also tylenol Pm is also ineffective. I am at my wits end and really need help. Please let me now what has worked for you!!!!!
This is usually associated with anxiety/stress.
The more you worry about it the worse it will be and the longer it lasts.
Try and accept it and listen to a quiet programme on the radio, have a cup of tea – anything to stop getting uptight or annoyed about it.
It will pass believe me.
Have you tried staying up a bit later?
I have insomnia for weeks and all i do in the middle of the nite is eating. What can i do to prevent eating?
I think the eating is out of boredom and stress. Is there anything can be done?
Don’t keep easy to munch on snacks in the house…if you have to actually cook it, it is unlikely that you will eat it in the middle of the night. My husband does this too…and I stopped keeping any of the foods that he routinely snacks on in the house just for that reason. Talk to your doctor about the insomnia though…there are lots of meds for this and Lunesta is approved for longterm use. If you are overweight though, your insomnia could be caused by sleep apnea and your doc may want you to do a sleep study.
Insomnia – Waking up in the middle of the night can’t go back to sleep?
I am 19 years old, I went to bed around 9 pm and woke up at around 1am.. now I can’t seem to go back to sleep. I try closing my eyes but I end up moving around. I usually have the type of insomnia where I have trouble falling asleep, now it turned into the middle of the night insomnia.
I also have ADHD. Are people with attention deficit disorder more likely to have insomnia?
Lol i have adhd too and i thought i was some sort of nut and yes its very common with adhd sleep pills dont help me ):
Insomnia Waking in middle of night -Can’t go back to sleep?
HELP – For the past two months I have been having having insomnia were I fall asleep no problem but then wake in the middle of the night (around 2:00am) and then can not get back to sleep. I have tried Sonata when I wake but it is just becoming a pattern and not helping. Also tylenol Pm is also ineffective. I am at my wits end and really need help. Please let me now what has worked for you!!!!!
Why do I wake up multiple times in the middle of the night? Do I have insomnia?
I wake up in the middle of the night. It takes me at least an hour to fall asleep. When I wake up im tired for at least four hours. I wake up at least six times a night. Not counting four in the morning when I usually have to use the bathroom. I honestly try to go to sleep, but I just wake up randomly. I usually wake start up after two hours of sleep.
I wake up in the middle of the night. It takes me at least an hour to fall asleep. When I wake up im tired for at least four hours. I wake up at least six times a night. Not counting four in the morning when I usually have to use the bathroom. I honestly try to go to sleep, but I just wake up randomly. I usually wake start up after two hours of sleep. I wake up and for the first three hours it feels like I never even went to sleep. Then after at least three hours I just feel tired.
Since you said you’re very tired in the mornings, that probably means you are suffering from sleep deprivation. Sleep problems can be tricky to manage, but you should probably start by seeing a doctor. You might be offered medication, which you don’t have to take, although it might be worth a try. You will probably be asked to keep a sleep diary and monitor your sleep deprivation symptoms. You might be offered some help with cleaning up your sleep habits.
Sleep problems can be caused by a wide range of problems, and not all of them are “curable.” It might interest you to know that meditation can be very helpful to people with sleep problems.
Good luck!