A Definition Of Insomnia Is

Sleep Apnea and Insomnia

Insomnia Cure And A Glimmer Of Hope

Author: Thomas Choo

If you suffer from insomnia, and is actively looking for an insomnia cure, you are not alone. It is estimated that some 60 million people in the USA suffer from varying degree of insomnia each year, which is about 1 in 5 Americans. If you want to learn more about insomnia, contact best writing services at https://bestwritingservice.com/ so that you can learn information that is useful to you and possibly manage this ailment if you have it.

Insomnia is the failure to fall asleep or stay asleep. Insomnia can also be described as the inability of waking up from your sleep feeling rested and refreshed. The most accepted definition of insomnia can be described as a combination of those first two explanations.

Regardless of which definition fits you the best, millions of people agonize from it. Many are desperate for an insomnia cure. You can be affected for just a few nights or suffer for years. Long-term insomnia is not the norm though. Rather, many people might suffer insomnia intermittently, depending on the stress in their lives or a specific health state.

If you are not waking up feeling rested or you have difficulty falling asleep, you just might have insomnia. But do you have any idea of other symptoms that could point to insomnia? Here is a short list:

* Feeling touchy or being in a bad mood
* Trouble falling asleep and staying asleep
* Waking multiple times at night or waking up too early
* Concentration difficulties or daytime grogginess

Without paying heed to your insomnia and seeking out insomnia cure, you could end up a variety of health and life issues. You could be more predisposed to illnesses or take longer to get over an illness. Depression can develop in individuals who do not get adequate rest from their sleep. You have to pore over your life and try to determine the underlying causes of your insomnia, before looking for any insomnia cure.

For many people with occasional insomnia, the biggest contributor to this sleep condition is stress. Sometimes, it could be related to work or being out of work. Other times, it could be something personal like having a newborn, a death in the household or divorce.

But what if your work and personal life is going along pretty well and you still have sleep issues? A medical check by your physician is quite in order. You could have an underlying medical condition that is hindering your sleep. Allergies and asthma are two culprits as are sleep apnea and headaches. The medication you take for illnesses like diabetes or heart conditions could also be a consideration.

There are a number of techniques and ideas to help you cure your insomnia. If it is stress-related, behavior modification techniques could be helpful. These could be anything from changing your sleeping conditions to visual imagery to rigorous bed scheduling. Yoga and other exercises along with deep breathing techniques also help.

But what if it is related to health issues, specifically some medication you take? It is not usually in your best interests to change medication or stop them all together. When this is the scenario, you might find sleep medication work best to get you through the insomnia.

There are a few things you can do that might help make your situation more conducive to sleep:

* Stop drinking any liquids at least two hours before bedtime. Potty breaks are one of the problems that contribute to insomnia.
* Limit your caffeine intake as well as alcohol and smoking.
* Try not to take naps.
* Institute some form of exercise in your daily activities.
* Take the television out of the bedroom. Focus on the fact that the bedroom is only for sleeping and other extra-curricular activities.
* And speaking of those extra-curricular activities, sex is a great stress release and just might help you in the snoozing department.

If you decide to seek medical advice for insomnia cure, keep a diary or journal of your daily sleep habits for a few weeks. When you visit a doctor about your possible insomnia, the journal is very helpful in pinpointing possible triggers and can help in determining the best course of action for combating that insomnia so you can get a good night's sleep.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/insomnia-cure-and-a-glimmer-of-hope-21571.html

About the Author

Thomas Choo owns Insomnia Cure. Visit to find out how to end insomnia tonight. Also features free 7-part mini series "Insomnia - What It Is And How You Can Overcome It", at http://insomniacure.sleepreallywell.com.

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10 Responses to A Definition Of Insomnia Is

  1. italiana says:

    Definition dfor insomnia?
    Ok… I’m fed up with sleep like I’m going nuts…. I have borderline personality disorder and a bit of bipolar.. I guess insomnia included in these disorders .. I’m just so confused… like I keep waking up in the middle if he niite… But other nights I can’t sleep for two nights straight.. What the he’ll is the difference.. Then in he mornigs my moods r screwed up I guess because of my insomnia?….. Also y the helllll am I ok one day and then other days my moods r outta control ? Is that part of the disorder.. Like I just recently got diagnosed with it..

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    • Mark C says:

      Your bipolar will cause the mood swings. I know that it sucks, but with the proper meds it can be helped. Ive been helped somewhat with medication, but it did take several trials on several different medications to find the one that worked for me.
      I wont lie and say that the moods will go away, because i honestly dont believe they ever will, but you can get them to improve.
      The insomnia can be associated with the depression and bipolar. I suffer from bouts of insomnia as well. Havent found the proper medication or therapy to help with that.

      Best of Luck,


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  2. mona says:

    12. A definition of insomnia is?
    A. talkativeness.

    B. inability to sleep.

    C. drowsiness.

    D. sleep-inducing.

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  3. angelgirl233021 says:

    a definition of insomnia is?
    a. talkativeness b. inability to sleep. c. drowsiness d.sleep-inducing

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  4. AshleyC says:

    A definition of insomnia is?

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    • rainymorning says:

      Insomnia includes having trouble falling or staying asleep. It’s one of the most common medical complaints. With insomnia, you usually awaken feeling unrefreshed, which takes a toll on your ability to function during the day. Insomnia can sap not only your energy level and mood, but also your health, work performance and quality of life.

      How much sleep is enough varies from person to person. Most adults need seven to eight hours a night. More than one-third of adults have insomnia at some time, while 10 to 15 percent report long-term (chronic) insomnia.

      You don’t have to put up with sleepless nights. Simple changes in your daily habits can resolve insomnia and restore your needed rest.

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  5. Robin P says:

    What is insomnia? Do I have it?
    I wanted to get the actual definition of insomnia and the symptoms. I don’t have trouble falling asleep, but more staying asleep. I wake up at least 4 or 5 times a night and wake up considerably early which is like 5:30 A.M without my alarm going off. It causes my a lot of stress and I’m exhausted all the time, but can’t seem to sleep. During the day time I find myself dozing off in the middle of work and classes. I could probably go a couple of days without sleeping if I really wanted too. So my question is this. What is Insomnia? Do I have insomnia? If so how can I discontinue it? On that note I’m going to go fall asleep and wake up so I can stare at my ceiling for a couple of hours. :) Thanks!
    My dad has a history of sleep apena also. Could I have possibly inherited it?

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    • shelly says:

      Insomnia is simply difficulty sleeping. It can be in the form of having trouble falling asleep, and having trouble with waking frequently and/or waking and not being able to get back to sleep. The kind you are discribing, as well as the other issues you are having can simply be a result of a chemical imbalance- you might try taking melatonin (start with 1 mg, don’t take more than 3 mg) at bedtime. This may help you get into the deeper stages of sleep so that you won’t wake so easily. If you continue to have this problem after taking melatonin every night for a week or two, I would suggest talking with your doctor about the possibility of sleep apnea or other possible causes. Good luck!

      Additional: yes, sleep apnea can have a tendency to be inherited-

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